Supporting a more inclusive, connected, vibrant and diverse creative community.

Artist Development

Harmonising Creative Growth

At Regional Sounds, our commitment to nurturing and supporting a vibrant creative network is underpinned by our purpose of shaping and sharing identity. We actively cultivate connections and collaborative opportunities for artists, encouraging individual creativity and fostering a diversity of expression. We expand artists' access to resources, training, and opportunities, empowering them to build capacities and realise their full potential within our regions.

Our passionate dedication to creating platforms for artists to perform and express their art stems from our belief in wholehearted support and participation in each other's achievements. Within our dynamic music scene, we foster an environment that not only recognises individual potential but also actively empowers creativity. We thrive on the collective growth of our creative network, emphasising the importance of connection, support, and shared achievements within the regional music community.

  • We emphatically believe in recognising individual potential and empowering creativity within our vibrant creative network

  • Taking a creative, innovative and [often] highly collaborative approach to skilling up, learning new things and growing as a creative.

  • Our programs have been created for regional artists to access more opportunities. We offer affordable activities, fair pay for performances and and a pay-it-forward system so that financial barriers don’t have to be a thing.

Community Building

  • Making space for more diversity to flourish, we are passionate about elevating the existing creative diversity in the Mid West regions, and bringing community together to access more unique cultural experiences.

  • Using music as a catalyst for bringing people together to share beautiful cultural experiences and making new connections in their community.

  • Celebrating what makes us unique as a regional creative community by supporting authentic and diverse expression through music in the Mid West region.

Industry Development

  • Finding ways to work in partnership across sectors to meet shared outcomes

  • Tuning into impactful outcomes, we work creatively to kick goals and leave positive change.

  • Taking an innovative and creative approach to delivering impact across industries, forging collaboration and sustainable partnerships.

Are you interested in becoming a member of Regional Sounds? Membership is completely free, open to all musicians or music lovers in the Midwest and comes with heaps of member benefits which gives you the option to access as many (or as few) as you like!